千里之行 始於足下 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

2 min readJun 23, 2021


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

I have started my journey to be a teaching assistant in a python intro class. Things weren’t easy for me, although it’s a simple subject to learn. Turning to teach people is a different world. I have started to realize how ignorant I am in python and programming. I have to admit that Feynman is right about learning. The best way to evaluate your knowledge is to teach people, especially teaching them like five. I almost forgot to mention. It’s called the Feynman Technique.

It’s in four steps.
1. Choose a concept
2. Teach a toddler
3. Identify gaps
4. Review + simplify, then return to the second step

Before I started to be a teaching assistant, I studied and stopped at step one. In programming class, I usually prefer to browse GitHub / GeeksforGeeks for solutions rather than lecture notes. Googling is faster than watching hours of videos and notes. However, I am wrong because I only took a vague idea from the website, and I didn’t listen to how people explained the concept.

So I have listed the problem (1st para), the reason (2nd para), and I will write about the solution I planned to do in the next few months.

I am picking the title because I am a severe procrastinator ( which I can share my way to “GettingShxtDone” later, I guess), and I want to start doing something to fill my knowledge gap in programming this time.

And here’s my plan and some useful links:
Writing daily journal to record my study progress
And I may use the journal to create a tutorial in teaching python in Chinese?
Also, I will continue teaching students in school and be more active in answering and solving programming questions together.

Website helps me to fight procrastination: https://pomofocus.io/

Website to practice programming: https://www.hackerrank.com/

Website with challenging python question: https://github.com/darkprinx/break-the-ice-with-python

Anyway, good luck to me. 😂




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